"Little Shop of Horrors" tells the story of the meek floral assistant Seymour Krelborn, who stumbles across a new breed of plant he names "Audrey II" - after his coworker crush. This foul-mouthed, R&B-singing carnivore promises unending fame and fortune to the down and out Krelborn as long as he keeps feeding it, BLOOD. Over time, though, Seymour discovers Audrey II's out of this world origins and intent towards global domination!
Buy your tickets for Little Shop of Horrors!
Ticket prices for all shows other than midnight show: $5 for people working on TACe shows, $8 if you aren't.
Ticket prices for the midnight show: $8 for people working on TACe shows, $10 if you aren't.
There is a discounted bundle rate for 1 regular show + the midnight show: ($10 for people working on TACe shows, $15 if not).